IP Analysis

IP Analysis

IP Analysis

  • Patent Opinions and Analysis:

    Our firm provides opinions for patents that are or may become the subject of litigation. We also have substantial experience in performing patent analysis in support of patent litigation.

  • Patent Evaluation and Acquisition:

    Our firm also provides services in evaluating intellectual property assets for acquisition. For some of these services, we partner with other firms to efficiently provide such services.

  • Patent Enforcement:

    Our firm also assist clients in enforcing their patents by identifying potential parties that might be interested in licensing the patents, and engaging in licensing negotiations with such parties. We also prepare supporting documentation (such as claim charts) to facilitate such discussions.

  • IP Analysis for Business Transactions:

    In a wide variety of business transactions, the firm performs IP analysis to help identify IP-related issues for such transactions. Such analysis entails due diligence analysis in connection with company acquisition, venture capital investments, and initial public offerings.